Term of Use

Terms of Use

Version 19-01; Effective 10/22/2024

This website and domain name belongs to http://truckcountry.us/ and is known here in as "Truck Country". The exact web site information can be obtained from www.whois.com. Your use of the site and features are hereby licensed to you the “User” for access to assets owned by the company, including but not limited to items advertised for sale on this site, offers for services, and other information. This site, and all other content is owned by The Company. The Company makes no warranty, express or implied beyond that offered by the company in separate documentation which provides for replacement value only. These warranties are available upon request, and do not cover any labor costs, or associated supplies or any other additional damages, but extended warranites might be available for an additional fee. This web site uses your account to control how your site operates for you and you search our parts inventory. You can modify this information at the following site: http://om.truckcountry.us/om/fc

In your digital interactions with others on this site these Terms of Use require that you conduct yourself civilly and respectfully. While using our site you agree that you shall not under any circumstances harass, make mischief against, or dissregard laws with protect individules or any other user of the Website. The Company reserves the right to determine, at its sole discretion, to partially or completely deny service to any infringing party. As part of these efforts, we may enlist the help of third parties, active customers, or company employees to moderate flagged messages, comments, and any other content to determine if a user’s conduct is harmful to the Website. These decisions are final and may not be appealed.

As part of using this site you agree that the site, its content, and databases are the property of "Truck Country", which owns the art, logos, content, programs, and databases presented on this Website. You also agree to not reverse engineer, dis-assemble, copy, or re-code data or programming functions of this site provided to you by "Truck Country". You also agree to not scrape, data-mine, spam, or otherwise deny service to others who may wish to use the site. We provide as much information as possible about our inventory on line, but there are situations where we must contact you to complete your order. In this case we will call or email you directly when we need more detail.